Sunday, April 12, 2009

San Francisco De Assisi, Dumanjug Cebu

San Francisco de Assisi sa Dumanjug, Cebu is one of the oldest churches in Cebu. It has been standing for more than 100 years.
The church has been repaired multiple times due to damages from calamities. Over a year ago, we experienced the super-typhoon that hit Dumanjug area, the Roof of the church ripped-off due to heavy wind. Our current Parish Priest did his best to renovate the church and through his effort, and the efforts of all the parishioners who donated for the projects to become successful.

St. Francis of Assisi in Dumanjug Cebu Mass Schedule as of January 2023:

Daily Mass: 5:30AM
Anticipated Mass: Every Saturday at 4:30PM

Sunday Masses Schedule:
5:30 AM - to be officiated by Father Ildebrando "brandit" Bohol
8:00 AM - to be officiated by Father Ildebrando "brandit" Bohol
10:AM - Rev. Fr. Nicholas Ramos
3:00PM - Rev. Fr. Nicholas Ramos
5:00PM - Rev. Fr. Nicholas Ramos 

The Front
The Bell Tower

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


BACK VIEW That photo above was taken at simala with the friends or colleagues of my boyfriend. Simala is best known as the miraculous shrine in the south Cebu. Many people came from different places especially during Sundays. They believed in miracle that brought by Marian Monks with the help of our blessed virgin Mary has been famous several years ago. I, myself have been there twice. Devotees were sacrificing the heat of the sun as they light there candles and wrote there petitions in a small sheet of paper. I believed that Our Lord Jesus Christ would grant those prayers who sincerely and faithfully ask him. I can proved it to myself. Many times the Lord answered my prayers and sometimes I realised I have debt of gratitude to the Lord and the only way to repay his goodness is to worship him and accept him with all your heart. Without him we are nothing.

Update to year 2023:

Simala, Cebu is the Sanctuary or the Monastery of our Blessed Mother Mary is still my favorite Go-To church where I can Pray, repent and asked for forgiveness and longed to tell the Blessed Mother how I've been through.

The Monastery is currently under construction and it Looks really amazing now. The designs has been improved and to me, it looks like a real cassle.

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