Archbishop Teofilo Camomot Shrine, Carcar City, Cebu
To start eith, let me give ypu and overview of who Teofilo Camomot is. If you have heard her name is being included in the Prayers for the Faithful in the Csthplic Church Mass, yes that is him. He is in the process of being on of the Holy people (saints) because of his good deeds and being a humble servant of God when he was alive and being generous to the poor. That is how he shows his love for them.
His chapel is located in Valladolid, Carcar City Cebu. Many believed that miracles happen to their lives like healing of their illnesses was due to the intercession of Arch. Teofilo Camomot.
His tomb lies inside the chapel in front of the altar. There is is cushion and barrier where you can kneel and pray heartily to Lord Jesus and ask the help amd intercession of the Arch. Teofilo Camomot.
The chapel inside is like a mini history or mini museum where the put on the walls pictures and inside the glass some of the homlies written by Arch. Teofilo Camomot and his other good deeds whennhe was still alive with us.
You may found his personal belongings inside the chapel that was set up by the congregation he founded. You may found some books, pair of shoes, vestments, typewriter, his desk and even his bed.
The chapel was solemn and you are not allowed to take pictures inside. You can also write a "Pamisa", your petitions too.
He died in a car accident in San Fernando, Cebu on September 27, 1988 after celebrating a mass from Cebu City. He was driven by his driver but only Msgr. Camomot died.
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